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5th Annual Cattle Market Dynamics Webinar  

Sign up for this free marketing webinar today!

Friday February 21, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. CST (Sask)   â€‹


We are excited to announce a change in format for the 2025 LMS annual marketing webinar - this year we are welcoming two presenters:


Considering the recent US election and discussions related to possible tariffs, deportation of migrant workers, etc., we welcome Dr. Kee Jim back for a second year in a row and he will be presenting, “Cattle Market Outlook for 2025: Potential impact of US tariffs.” Dr. Jim will provide his views on the dynamic times in the North American beef industry. As a significant player on both sides of the border, Dr. Jim will have a unique perspective.

LMS also welcomes Don Davies of VeeTee Feeders to share his insights on what he looks for when procuring cattle. Don hails from Lloydminster, Saskatchewan and has been buying cattle for nearly 30 years, both for VeeTee Feeders and for custom orders. Learn through his lens the do’s and don’ts when marketing your feeder cattle.

Over the last four years, our marketing webinars have attracted participants from across Canada and into the United States.  If you are interested to participate in this free webinar, I encourage you to register as soon as possible as we will max out at 250 registrants and last year, we ‘sold out’. Please see the attached poster for more information.  Fee free to share it through your networks.


Register by following this link: 


We are also very appreciative of our sponsors: Saskatchewan Angus Association, VBP Plus, Saskatchewan Cattle Feeders Association, TEAM, Northern Livestock Sales, Sask Cattlemen’s Association, DLMS and Farm Credit Canada.


It is because of their support LMS can offer this webinar at no charge. 

Thank you to our sponsors.

Cattle Market Outlook for 2025: Potential Impact of US Tariffs
Dr. Kee Jim - Feedlot Health Management Services & G.K. Jim Farms

LMS is pleased to bring back Dr. Kee Jim to provide his views on the dynamic times in the North American beef industry. Will leadership changes in the United States affect the Canadian cattle industry? What other trade-related policies should Canadians be aware of? As a significant player on both sides of the border, Dr. Jim offers a unique perspective.Kee Jim was born and raised on a small seedstock/commercial cow-calf operation in BC.After receiving his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1983 from the Western College ofVeterinary Medicine in Saskatoon, SK, he moved to Okotoks, AB and established G K. JimFarms and the consulting company, Feedlot Health Management Services Ltd. G.K. JimFarms has become a major player in the Canadian and U.S. cattle industries throughownership of backgrounding cattle, grass cattle, feedlot cattle and feedlots.

Cattle Marketing Strategies and Techniques for Maximizing Profit
Don Davies - VeeTee Feeders

LMS welcomes Don Davies of VeeTee Feeders to share his insights on what he looks forwhen procuring cattle. Learn through his lens, the dos and don’ts when marketing yourfeeder cattle. His presentation will address:What are discounts and how you can avoid them? Not all cattle are the same: different cattle go to different markets.Know how to grade your cattle.Together with his siblings, Don co-owns Veetee Feeders, a fourth-generation farm andranch operation in Lloydminster, SK. He has been buying cattle for nearly 30 years forboth VeeTee Feeders and for custom orders.

For over 50 years, members of the Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan (LMS)  have been committed to our goal of promoting competitive bidding in the marketing of livestock. This is achieved through collaborative relations with industry partners; educational projects for our members and customers; adherence to sound business practices and responsible animal welfare at members’ auction markets, among other initiatives.  Together, we share in the responsibility of ensuring the free marketing of livestock runs smoothly, transparently and efficiently.


Membership is comprised of auction markets, order buyers and other key industry stakeholders who support our mandate of competitive bidding at livestock auction sales.

Meeting Room

The LMS board of directors is comprised of nine engaged volunteers who represent livestock auction markets and order buyers to ensure members have a voice in industry issues. Meet them here.

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Training Manual

Safe Handling Practices for Market Centre Staff  is a one-of-a-kind training package  geared towards employees who handle livestock in a market setting. Whether as an educational tool for new staff or a refresher for seasoned professionals, this training manual is a valuable asset for owners and operators alike. Learn more.

Building Strength Through Collaboration

LMS strives to increase value to the beef industry through board representation and/or collaboration with other industry stakeholders such as the Livestock Services of Saskatchewan, Verified Beef Production Plus, the Saskatchewan Cattle Feeders Association, the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association and others.  

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