Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan
Active Members


Cowtown Livestock Exchange

Weigh Co.

Associate Members

Corman Park
Vet Services

TJF Farm & Transport

Benefits of Membership
Provides an active voice and/or input regarding lobby issues.
Supplies members with timely information about current and emerging industry issues.
Ensures effective representation and input on related industry issues and organizations.
Identifies common issues and collaborate accordingly for the benefit of all members.
Communicates effectively to all members.
Advances the Association and its members as a professional, viable and essential part of the livestock industry.
Provides professional development opportunities through workshops and other forums.
Develop initiatives to promote the principles of the Association and inform governments, related industry associations/agencies and potential members about Association activities.
Identifies possible alliances with the private sector on services beneficial to members.
Active Membership: If you are a livestock auction market, order buyer or assembly station in Saskatchewan you qualify for our active membership which entitles you to all privileges of membership including the right to vote at meetings of membership.​ If you operate more than one location in Saskatchewan you are eligible for more than one membership and, therefore, more than one vote.
Must be: 18+; resident of Saskatchewan; active operator of one or more licensed livestock markets or one or more order buyer or assembly locations.
Receives one vote per membership.
Associate Membership: If you or your business operates within or adjacent to the Saskatchewan livestock industry (ie. transportation, insurance, finance, animal health and medical, feed, equipment, work wear or similar) you are eligible for an Associate Membership. Associate members are entitled to all privileges of membership, except the right to vote at meetings of members.
Must be: 18+; resident of Saskatchewan​.
Not entitled to vote.
​Honorary Members: Anyone who has made a significant contribution to the Saskatchewan livestock industry may be nominated as an Honorary Member by their peers. The honorary members are not entitled to privileges of membership and are appointed by the Board of Directors upon approval by the membership at the time of an Annual General Meeting.
Nominations for Honorary Members will be accepted by completion of a one page form. The Board will serve as the Evaluation Committee. Nominations will be accepted until November 1st of each year and will be presented at the AGM for approval, after Board evaluation.
LMS members pay one cent per head membership fee based on handlings in the previous calendar year, with a minimum payment of $1,500 and a maximum of $2,500.
Examples of membership fees:
50,000 head and under = $1,500 plus 5% GST.
50,001 - 149,999 head = $2,000 plus 5% GST.
500,000 head and over = $2,500 plus 5% GST.
Information from members will be collected on the honor system and be kept confidential at the office of AgriBiz Communications, which manages LMS.
Application Forms
Complete the appropriate form and mail with attached cheque, if required, to the LMS Office.

Join LMS and support the livestock industry.