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About LMS

About LMS

The Board of Directors and members of the Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan (LMS) remain committed to our goal of promoting competitive bidding in the marketing of livestock. This is achieved through collaborative relations with industry partners; educational projects for our members; adherence to sound business practices and responsible animal welfare at members’ auction markets, among other initiatives.  Together, we share in the responsibility of ensuring the free marketing of livestock runs smoothly, transparently and efficiently.

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Boad & Staff


  • To promote, foster and advance the auction method of competitive marketing in the livestock industry.

  • To otherwise promote, foster and advance open and fair competition in the marketing of livestock.

  • To secure uniformity in customs and grade practices in the marketing of livestock.

  • To safeguard and improve the operations of persons engaged in the marketing of livestock in the best interests of producers, buyers and sellers of livestock.

  • To prepare and distribute educational, statistical and economic information pertaining to the livestock industry and livestock marketing.

  • To formulate and recommend plans and measures to protect and promote the welfare of the livestock industry.

  • To advocate the enactment of appropriate laws, whether statute or regulation, affecting the marketing of livestock and the livestock industry, and to make representation therefore to any federal, provincial, municipal or other regulatory authority.

  • To aid in improving measures to assure financial protection for producers, brokers, dealers, buyers and sellers of livestock.

  • To develop safe handling practices that ensure both animals and market staff are treated under the best possible safety standards.


  • Maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all transactions.

  • Strive for the complete satisfaction of our customers.

  • Provide true and accurate weights.

  • Accurately describe and represent all animals.

  • Maintain a sound financial basis by assuring that full payment is made to sellers and received from buyers, in accordance with the terms of the transaction.

  • Provide adequate, humane and serviceable facilities.

  • Maintain the highest standards of livestock health and disease prevention.

  • Comply with federal and provincial livestock marketing laws.

  • Uphold the principle of complete freedom of choice for buyers and sellers in selecting the manner, method and means of buying and selling livestock.

  • Promote the principle of free and open competition throughout the livestock marketing industry.

  • Support all aspects of the Livestock Markets Association of Canada's Good Handling Program.

  • Promote open and fair competition through true price discovery achieved in the auction market system.


Rick Oakes

Tyler Cronkhite

Chris Williamson

Blair Brooks

Brent Brooks

John Baier

Roy Rutledge

Wayne Woodman

Baxter Watson

Adele Buettner

Aims & Codes

General Manager



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Annual Reports

Annual Reports
2023 LMS AR Cover
2022 LMS AR Cover
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